Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Some of Food

Fried fish
Although Valledupar doesn't have beach, it's considered a coast city, wich means that a big part of its gastronomy tradition is seafood. In my case, steamed fish in the breakfast, soup of fish in the lunch, fried fish in the dinner, is an excellent resume that I saw in my first three days of visit. Well, I don't think that all of the families in the city are like mine, maybe it's because I am the tourist so they try that I absorb the most that I can of their culture. As a rule, the plates are served with a ''bollo'', that is just a corn dough with saltt and sugar, manioc, green plantain and ''suero''(sour milk).
Personal 'Salchipapa'
Is not a secret that coast people are famous for being party-lovers. The city has a lot of nightclubs, when you can live the experience, listen to music, learn to dance as them and drink alcohol, not beers, just 'aguardiente', whiskey or rum.
Caribanola, manioc full of
rice and meat
For  younger people and family plans, I can recommend a very original fast food that the coast has. Have you ever listen about 'salchipapa'? It's probably that all the colombians have eaten some of that once in their life. Usually, is just the mixed of what its name means, sausage and fried potatoes, but no in Valledupar. There, is a huge mixed of minced chicken, butifarra, lettuce, corn kernels, A LOT of cheese, three types of sauces and finally, some of sausage and fried potatoes. Is common see people from another part of Colombia amazed with the particular plate.

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